KST Moschkau GmbH, Am Burgholz 36, 52372 Kreuzau GERMANY


The business unit “Broadcast” covers the complete range from recording to post-production and archiving of professional media content. KST accompanies your project from A to Z, from planning through project planning and execution to service.

At the beginning of every project is listening. What does the customer need, what do the existing workflows look like? Together with the users, KST develops the workflow further and always keeps an eye on future viability. For example, if the existing production format is HD, KST will still check the infrastructure for UHD capability. This starts with the cameras used, continues with the cable infrastructure and ends with the recording.

In doing so, KST uses exactly the technical solutions that fit tailor-made into the budget without compromising on technology. KST Moschkau GmbH not only relies on the latest technical developments, but also drives them forward. Workflows are tested and further developed in the Innovation-Center. Through close relationships with long-term partners such as Adobe, Affinity, AJA, Avid, DELL, iZotope, HP, Oaro, Panasonic, Riedel, Rimage, Ross, Spectra, Vantage and Zero Density, KST has direct contact with the development teams of each manufacturer and can thus offer exactly the customized solutions that the customer expects.

The topic of personnel savings is also becoming more and more important in many Boradcast projects. More and more complex tasks are to be completed with a staff that is not growing any further. This has prompted KST to automate many work processes. Here the CamBot, developed and built by KST, plays an important role. ®-system plays a decisive role. It not only functions as a pure camera remote system, because even complex processes can be controlled by CamBot ® from control. 

This starts with conventional trigger commands for building services (e.g. switching studio lights on and off or accessing the on-air light in front of the control room) and extends to triggers that trigger specific events in a virtual environment when a camera reaches a certain position. KST relies on a combination of the CamBot ®-system, the Panasonic Kairos IT/IP platform and Zero Density’s Ampere workstations. The interaction of these components has been so perfected by the in-house programmers that, after thorough preparation, only a few manual operations are required during the actual production of a show.

But it is not only the affinity for the latest technical developments that drives the project system house. The “Broadcast” division consists of a dynamic team of young engineers who, after graduating from university, are prepared for the wide range of tasks at KST through comprehensive induction training. The team is complemented by experienced colleagues who contribute an important part to the success with their expertise. The team is constantly undergoing further training and has a large number of certifications that are regularly acquired from the various manufacturers. As a result, KST has a team with widely dispersed know-how.

Even after project completion, KST is available to support its customers. In addition to training, the broadcast team offers worldwide support for the installations supplied. Different support packages are available, tailored to the individual needs of each customer.

Broadcast & ProAV Project examples

Project example “Networked Production Environment Berlin

The public relations department of a federal ministry in Berlin has the task of serving the ministry’s social media channels on the one hand, and passing on footage material to broadcasters on the other. In addition, a high level of data security is required, as a considerable amount of video material has been created over decades and needs to be available at all times.

The installation in Berlin is based on a networked Avid Media Composer workflow. Using two ingest workstations, the footage is transferred to 480 TB of production storage and checked into the database. After that, 20 editing workstations have access to the material. After editing, the finished products are published on social media platforms and transferred to an archive system to reduce the load on the production storage. This involves offloading the high-res material to a tape system. The archive is used by five archivists and 25 editors. When archived material is needed for a current production, a legal check is performed by the archivists and the material is then made available as high-res in the production system. In order to have the highest possible redundancy for the data, an encrypted data mirroring takes place daily to a location 600 km away, where the same technology is installed and an identical system can be put into operation in the shortest possible time.

Project example FüAkBw Hamburg

At the German Armed Forces Command and Staff College in Hamburg, top military personnel are prepared for their demanding tasks in the armed forces. For this purpose, KST has installed a state-of-the-art production environment. The centerpiece is a control center that can control all event rooms. In addition to an event hall with seven remote cameras and a triple projection screen, this includes a further eight training rooms, each equipped with four remote cameras and a projector. A two-level video mixer can be used to produce different programs in the control room. Recording is done by means of an ingest server to a central storage. There, two editing workstations have access to the material. It is possible to start editing even while the recording is still running.

There is a dedicated fiber optic line to a second property in Hamburg, so that material stored in the central storage facility can also be edited there. Image and sound transmission between the two locations is also possible, because the second location also has a control room and an event hall with five cameras, which can be recorded there on an additional local storage system and edited with a further two editing suites.


Guido Murk
Project- & Supportmanager